Plant Nutrition

Horticultural supply industry figure Kurt Dramm dies

Kurt Dramm, a leader in the horticultural supply industry, has died. He was 85. Dramm died May 16. He was the co-founder of the Manitowoc, Wisconsin, based Dramm Corp.,... more »

Balchem organic registrations to aid tree fruit, grapes, berries

Balchem Plant Nutrition has received registration for two organic foliar products that can aid growers of organic fruit and vegetables. The new product combinations provide convenient and safe solutions for organic fruit and vegetable growers,... more »

DPH Biologicals releases regeneratively-produced biological solution

After two years of developmental work, DPH Biologicals has released RegenAphex, a technology platform based on the regenerative power of a proprietary plant-based humus extract. The extract is produced at the company’s Princeton, Illinois site,... more »

Rabobank report upbeat on fruit, tree nuts

As with producers of most crops, U.S. fruit and tree nut growers have faced challenges including higher input costs and logistical challenges in recent years, but according to a Rabobank report, there are positive developments... more »

Honeybee outlook worst in almost 20 years

Honeybees are the primary pollinator for many fruit and seed crops in Washington State. Since 2005 much has been written about the challenges honeybees face with the so-called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Most beekeepers and... more »

Ostara hires chief technology officer

Ostara, a leader in phosphate fertilizers and nutrient management, has hired Aaron Waltz as chief technology officer. Waltz has more than 20 years of experience in the agriculture industry and deep agronomic expertise. He began his... more »

Orchard covers, netting solutions have varied impact

Editor’s note: This article is an expanded version of the article that appeared in print. Orchard protective covers and netting used in fruit production can reduce hail damage and provide sunburn protection, along with other... more »

Salinas Biological Summit June 20-21

Among growers who rely on chemical inputs to ensure their crops aren’t lost to voracious insects or overgrown with weeds, it’s not a surprise that they’re not going to be able to rely on those... more »

Current Issue

Michigan Ridgefest: Innovative orchard production techniques meet new marketing approaches

Maine strawberry grower Tom Stevenson

Ground resiliency: Water conservation, sustainable practices improve land, plant health

Investing in plant health: The hardiness of your plants is good for your bottom line

*Fresh Views: New freeze protection methods in perennial fruit crops

Farm Market & Agritourism: Measuring success with a marketing plan

Ag Labor Review: More heavy lifting needed





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