May 5, 2017Seven named to first Michigan Blueberry Commission
Not surprisingly, southwest Michigan appointees comprise the initial Michigan Blueberry Commission.
Created on May 1 after a vote by the state’s blueberry growers to create a panel for improving the industry’s economic position and competiveness by supporting research, education and promotion programs, Gov. Rick Snyder tapped seven persons to serve staggered terms.
Dennis Vander Kooi of Allegan will be on the commission through the end of the year; Jacob Clemons and Shelly Ann Hartmann, both of South Haven, along with Grand Junction’s Cheryl Sullins will be on the board through the end of 2018; and Creela Overton Hamlin of South Haven, along with Steven Hunt and James Sumners, both of Grand Junction, will serve through the end of 2019.
After these initial appointments, members of the MBC will serve three-year terms. The state Senate has to sign off on the governor’s selections.