Apr 7, 2023
WAVEx webinar to focus on nematode management

An upcoming web seminar will examine if it makes economic sense for winegrape growers before replanting to control nematodes through fumigating vineyard soils.

The Washington State Wine Commission (WSWC) and Washington State University invite winegrape growers to register for the seminar which will discuss the long-term strategy of controlling nematodes through soil fumigation in a winegrape vineyard replant situation.

The seminar is scheduled for April 20 from 12:30–1:30 p.m. Pacific Time.

Michelle Moyer, WSU Extension viticulture specialist, will share details and insights of recently completed research studying nematode management in Washington wine grape vineyards under replanting scenarios.

Her research, supported by the Washington wine industry, was initiated more than a decade ago to help prepare growers for the eventual need to replant vineyards in soils with plant parasitic nematodes.

Although nematodes have been well studied in other wine grape growing regions, little was known about the species and population densities of nematodes in Washington. Moyer plans to discuss outcomes of her project, including the long-term effectiveness of soil fumigation to control northern root-knot and dagger nematodes and the effects of using nematode resistant rootstocks.

Both the Oregon and Washington departments of agriculture have approved the webinar for one (1.0) pesticide license recertification credit.

Washington Advancements in Viticulture and Enology (WAVE) is the WSWC’s seminar and webinar series focused on wine research. WAVEx is the condensed, shorter webinar series. WSU is a co-sponsor of the WAVE and WAVEx events.

Register for the free nematode webinar here.

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