Nov 21, 2017
MSU seeks input on impact of SWD on small fruit

Michigan State University’s (MSU) Extension Small Fruit Team is seeking input regarding the impact of spotted wing drosophila on the 2017 Michigan berry production season.

A Nov. 21 email message from MSU Extension Educator Carlos Garcia indicated the following:

“As every year since five years ago when the spotted wing drosophila became a major threat for the Michigan’s small fruit industry we are trying to get information about the status of this pest, and from any other new problem affecting the productivity and profitability of your operation. 

The 2017 berry season was plagued with issues related to weather problems on top of insect pest problems. Those difficulties caused serious damage to the competitively of our industry, especially to the Michigan blueberry industry. For the MSU Extension Small Fruit program is very important to quantify the extent of the impact of those problems in order to attract state and federal resources to develop and deliver Research and Extension programs to support your efforts, and provide answers to problems affecting the Michigan’s small fruit industry.

For this reason we are requesting your assistance to obtain the information necessary to give support to our granting efforts and help us in MSU Extension to assign resources and efforts to continue our partnership with the small fruit industry.

Thus, our MSUE Small Fruit Team would like to request your support by filling out the survey we have prepare for this purpose. To fill out this survey please click on the link provided below:”

Source: Michigan State University Extension

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